Cycling summary of TfGM’s latest consultations

A summary of the details and documents available for the TfGM Bus Priority consultations.
A summary of the details and documents available for the TfGM Bus Priority consultations.
GMCC campaigner Vincent Walsh reports on the city’s most compact hire scheme
Visiting postgraduate Anne Berg shares her first impressions of cycling in England’s second city.
Dave Barker writes about riding through the time of car. His thoughts and insights take us from cycling clubs in the 1950s through to 2010/11.
Greater Manchester’s leaders are celebrating after securing £4.9 million of Government funding for a new project that will kickstart a revolution in cycling in the region.
Transport for Greater Manchester is seeking your help with a cycling survey. The survey is part of a bid for funding to improve cycling and walking facilities across Greater Manchester.
Stagecoach has increased cycling to work amongst its employees since its relocation away from Princess Road to Wythenshawe. Installing cycle lockers at its new Sharston depot will have helped encourage this. Cycling bus drivers can only be a good thing.
Bike Friday participants wore red on Friday 25th February 2011 to raise awareness about the health benefits of cycling.
Is there hope for cycling outside London? Vincent Walsh reports on the ‘Going Up a Gear’: Urban Cycling Beyond London’ Conference, March 2011
The Manchester Evening News and Channel M both gave a lot of space to GMCC’s latest Commuter Challange between a cyclist, a train passenger, a bus rider and a motorist commuting from Heaton Chapel to Manchester Town Hall in the morning rush hour last Tuesday. The results were First: bicycle 20 minutes Second: train 35 […]