GMCC’s 2014 Space for Cycling campaign
Latest: Ride with us around the Labour Party conference on Monday 22nd September to show your support for #space4cycling. Meet in All Saints Park from 6pm. Printable flyers and more details here.
Greater Manchester Cycling Campaign supports the national Space for Cycling campaign and wants everyone to email their local Councillors asking them to pledge support. Please take action with the easy to use system at – just enter your name, email and postcode.
For details on the 6 types of intervention proposed please read more about Space for Cycling’s 6 main asks.
Here’s a short video introducing Space for Cycling, by CTC President John Snow:
Our first #space4cycling ride lapped the Conservative Party conference in central Manchester on Monday 30th September 2013. Preview. Photos & Videos.
We held our second #space4cycling ride on Saturday 17th May, a sunny family-friendly ride from Platt Fields to Manchester Town Hall and back. Preview. Report & Photos.
Please pledge your support and ask your local Councillors to pledge their support too by using the system at: