Photoblog from Sept 2013 #space4cycling ride
Thanks to everyone who rode, pledged support for or assisted with last night’s #space4cycling ride.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

People of all ages gather in St Peter’s Square ready for Manchester’s first #space4cycling ride

St Peter’s Square filled with #space4cycling riders just before we set off

And we’re off! All sorts of people on all sorts of bikes; a really diverse group of people all asking for the same thing – safe #space4cycling

Special thanks to GMPolice who’s traffic officers and Operation Protector team did a wonderful job

Manchester’s #space4cycling ride ended back in St Peter’s Square; cue banners, photos, chats etc.
We were considering having a minute’s silence before the ride set off, in memory of all the people who couldn’t be with us having paid the ultimate price when cycling on our roads. The minute’s silence didn’t happen because the square was so full and the police wanted us to leave promptly, but our thoughts were still with them as we rode.
We arranged this Space for Cycling ride hoping it will help create an environment where everyone can safely enjoy the simple pleasure of riding a bike to get from A to B, so it was great to see such a diverse mix of people enjoying the event (including the Police Officers!) and especially the younger participants who, until last night, had probably never been allowed to cycle themselves around their city.

One of Manchester’s younger #space4cycling riders expresses their joy after the ride
Update: Here’s a video from Colin Mandy:
And here’s one from Anna PowWow:
Thanks again to everyone who made it such a special night!
All photos (c) Jonathan Keenan used with permission.