Mailing list
GMCC-Talk is an e-mail group for talking about anything which might make cycling in Greater Manchester quicker, safer, easier and more enjoyable, or which could encourage more people in Greater Manchester to use bicycles for transport and leisure. The mailing list has been going since 2001. It has over 100 members. There’s about one posting per day on average.
To subscribe, write a short sentence briefly describing why you want to join the mailing list, and send it to:
The sentence is so that we can see you are not an evil automaton, intent on spamming the list. Membership is moderated to keep out spammers. Postings aren’t moderated, but various features are used to make sure that they don’t get irrelevant and aren’t too bulky.
To unsubscribe, send a blank email to:
To send a message to all the subscribers, send it to:
Alternatively, you can join by going to the YahooGroups page.