A future cycle map for Greater Manchester

Proposal to create a schematic, strategic cycle route map for Greater Manchester.


I’ve been a GMCC member for quite a short time (since October 2013), however at monthly meetings there was something which kept cropping up in different discussions; here, there and everywhere.

A strategic map of cycle routes across Greater Manchester.

At June’s GMCC meeting I offered to help facilitate such a map, but rather than just mapping out the current routes and facilities (or lack of in the most part), I wanted to plan out schematically the routes that we need across Greater Manchester and determine the space for cycling that is required on these routes.

This is a task that would be foolish (and probably impossible) to do on my own. So below is a link to a PDF offering draft proposals of what the project will be, and some possible steps to bring it to fruition.

Draft Proposals (Version 1) PDF

If you have any suggestions for improvements to this, or alternative proposals which could be contained within it then do let me know by emailing me by Thursday the 10th of July 2014.

The proposals can then be discussed at the next GMCC Meeting on the 14th of July 2014.

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